At the IPL mega auctions earlier this year, the Kolkata-based franchise had bought Starc for a staggering Rs 9.40 crore from a base price of Rs 2 crore. However, the fast bowler couldn’t turn up for the side after he suffered a stress fracture in his right leg’s tibial bone. It was the third consecutive time that t🐎he bowler couldn’t make it to the cash-rich T20 league as he was injured in 2016 t🃏oo while he himself opted out for workload concerns the following year.
KKR, however, didn’t have to sweat much in his absence as they announced England’s Sam Cur𝓀ran as his replacement with the side eventually finishing third in the league. But, just when Starc was expected to make a return next season, CA and ECB informed BCCI that they wouldn’t want their players to keep playing in IPL beyond May 1 citing injury precautions ahead of the World Cup that is scheduled to start just 11 days after IPL 2019’s conclusion.
The announcement would be expectantly forcing many franchises to look for an early replacement and KKR seem to have already taken the first step towards it, when they informed Starc via a text message that he services were no longer r𓂃equired.
“I got a text message two days ago from the owners of Kolkata saying I’ve been released from my contract. At the moment I’ll be home in April. I obviously di🧜dn’t go last year with my tibia injury and it was a great opportunity to freshen 🐷the body up, let everything heal by itself,” said Starc in Sydney, reported ESPNCricinfo.
Though it is yet to be confirmed𝓰 if any franchise would swoop in at the opportunity to grab Starc from the market given his previous IPL feats in years 2014 and 2015, when he had taken 34 wickets in 27 matches, the New South Wales man has hinted at staying back and preparing for the World Cup and Ashes 2019.
“I guess barring a little niggle in my hammy I’ve felt pretty good with my body and my strength and the rest of it. That little period of time has really paid off for the body. If I don’t♐ play the IPL next year it’s a good opportunity to freshen up for a massive six months of cricket in t𒁏he UK.”
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