While the Rajasthan Royals still have the Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur as their home ground, the franchise owners reportedly wanted to play a few matches at the Barsapara Stadium in Guwahati and had requested the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) for the same. The Supreme Court-appointed Commit🔥tee of Administrators(CoA), which looked after the cricketing affairs of the BCCI till October 23 and now have been overtaken by Sourav Ganguly’s panel, had granted the permission to the franchise in one of its meetings on August 13.
An official statement is yet to come out from Rajasthan Royals’ end but officials from the BCCI have confirmed that the Royals’ chief operating officer, Jake Lush McCrum, had visited the Barsapara stadium and 🍌had discussions with the ꧃Assam Cricket Association officials.
The fra𒐪nchise has an Assam connection as they had roped in the 1🌊7-year-old Riyan Parag last year.
"The Rajasthan Royals officials have had several discussions with us and it would be a ✤great thing for the entire northeast if the IPL matches are held here. But as of now, we haven't heard anything formally," said Devajit Saikia, Assam Cricket Association chief, told Sportstar.
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