Narayan Jagadeesan made headlines in Bengaluru on Monday in a Vijay Hazare Trophy encounter against Arunachal Pradesh after registering his fifth consecutive century in the tournament. The 26-year-old opener in doing so broke the world record for most consecutive List-A centuries, previously jointly held by Kumar Sangakkara for his four tons at the 2015 ICC World Cup, Alviro Peterson for his purple patch in the 2015/16 Momentum ODI Cup and Devdutt Padikkal for his exploits in the 2020/21 Vijay Hazare🐠 Trophy.
The 26-year-old started his streak with an unbeaten 114 again꧅st Andhra Pradesh before piling on 100-plus scores against Chhatisgarh, Goa, Haryana and now Arunachal. The batter's best knock came against Goa where he plundered 168 runs from just 140 balls taking his team to a stunning total of 373. The latest century was Jagadeesan's seventh in the format to go alongside the four he has in first-class cricket. His tally in the ongoing season of the tournament now reads 624 runs from six games, at an average of 156 and a strike rate🅘 of 109.28 no less, and counting considering he is still on the crease at the time of writing.
However, chasing the record is also Rahul Tripathi🦂, the Maharashtra batsman having hit his third consecutive century in the tournament in the ongoing game against Mizoram. Nevertheless, with Jagadeesan's career List A average shooting up to 44.55 on the back of the stellar season, an India debut seems to be in the offing for the Chennai Super Kings batter.
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