The All India Football Federation has scheduled an online refresher course for coaches with an AFC Futsal Level 1 Certificate. There will be four sessions from which are to be held on October 2, 3, 9 and 10. A🌺ll the courses🌺 have been scheduled for the evening from 7pm to 9pm.
The candidates will be awarded 2 CPD points upon successful completion of the course, and AFC F꧂utsal Level 1 will be the prerequisite for selection. Eligible candidates can apply at the coa♌ch education portal from Saturday (September 18, 2021).
Mr. Joshuah Vaz, who's currently the sole AFC Futsal Level 1 Tutor in the country☂, along 💎with Mr. Shailesh Karkera, Mr. Jeddy Almeida, and Mr. Veerababu Sivaneni will conduct the said course.
Laws of Futsal and the amendments, futsal tactics, systems, styles,꧅ futsal match analysis along with the AFC manual and policy will be ana🍸lysed, taught, and discussed during the course.
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